Dillon Child Study Center Receives IBM Computer Donation

December 06, 2012 BK

BROOKLYN, NY December 7, 2012 - St. Josephs College (SJC) is pleased to announce that IBM (NYSE:IBM) has donated technology to help children learn and explore concepts in math, science and language. To that end, IBM is equipping SJCs Dillon Child Study Center with five Young Explorer computer learning centers -- computers housed in brightly colored, child-friendly Little Tikes furniture and equipped with award-winning educational software.

"We are very grateful for this generous donation from IBM of the five computer centers, said Dillon Child Study Center Director Dr. Susan Straut-Collard. "This technology can enhance critical and cognitive thinking skills, problem-solving abilities and analytical thinking in the preschool population at the Dillon Center.

Originally donated to the American Red Cross (ARC) emergency shelter temporarily housed in the John A. Danzi Athletic Center on the Long Island Campus during Hurricane Sandy to educate and entertain young children who were displaced from their homes following the storm, the Young Explorer computer stations were relocated to the Dillon Child Study Center on the Brooklyn Campus, where they are now being used to educate preschoolers ages 2-5.

Young Explorers are the centerpiece of IBMs KidSmart Early Learning grant program along with IBMs Reading Companion, which was developed nearly 15 years ago to help reduce the digital divide, especially in urban areas, where it was becoming apparent that children from less affluent backgrounds needed access to specialized technology tools and educational materials to better prepare them to enter school.