SJC Awards Student Achievement Medal to Alumnus

October 21, 2012 LI

PATCHOGUE, NY OCTOBER 22, 2012 St. Josephs College (SJC) is pleased to announce that Bryan Gill 06, M.B.A. 10, assistant to the dean of students and director of intramurals on SJCs Long Island Campus, has been awarded the Saint Catherine Medal for Student Achievement, an annual award that honors a student who represents the high ideals of a Catholic college education.

"I am extremely honored to receive the Saint Catherine Medal, said Mr. Gill. "Throughout my years as an undergraduate and graduate student at St. Josephs, I continuously learned and attempted to embody the mission of the College while allowing its values to become a key part of my life. At St. Josephs, students learn to be leaders and to think outside of the box and I am proud to have received my education here.

Mr. Gill earned a B.S. in Business Administration in 2006 and an M.S. in Management and E.M.B.A. in 2010, all from the Long Island Campus. For many years, he has been an active member of the Council for the Arts, the SJC Golf Classic and Scholarship Gala committees, the Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity, a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and a facilitator at SJC orientation and graduation events, vice president of the Alumni Association and a Eucharistic minister of holy communion for Sts. Philip and James Parish in St. James, New York.

"As a former recipient of the Saint Catherine Medal, I am pleased to honor alumnus Bryan Gill with this years medal, said Paige Napoli Carbone 02, director of alumni relations and one of the people responsible for Bryans nomination. "Bryan is a leader both on- and off-campus and his dedication to helping others is an inspiration to many.

Saint Catherine serves as an inspiration for individuals who aspire to obtain knowledge, and the medal, presented by Kappa Gamma Pi, National Catholic College Graduate Honor Society, symbolizes learning and wisdom. First awarded in 1956, the recipient of this medal is selected by faculty or classmates on the basis of leadership and service to the college.

Mr. Gill currently resides in St. James.