SJC Go Green Club Cleans Up Local Park

November 06, 2015 BK

Fort Greene CleanGoing green and keeping Fort Greene clean.

There's not a lot necessary in defining SJC Brooklyn's Go Green Club. If a student cares enough about nature enough to see it thrive, then he/she is an ideal addition to the eco-friendly group. Moderated by S. Susan Wilcox, the club makes regular service-oriented visits to locales in the community. The club is also one of the first chapters to collaborate with Generation Waking Up — a national organization that seeks to inspire a generation of young people to bring forth a thriving, just and sustainable world.

On November 5, a team of eco-conscious students, accompanied by Director of the Office of Campus Ministry S. Susan Wilcox and Executive Administrative Assistant Ann Paiva, trekked to nearby Fort Greene Park to collect garbage. The haul was a good one — reclaimed items included hordes of discarded Halloween candy wrappers, countless coffee cups, a barely used unicorn sticker and a brand new(ish) pencil. A hearty helping hand: this is what nature needs (not unused pencils).

Go Green has been active for about four years on the campus of SJC Brooklyn. It has developed two signature events: The National Recylemania Competition (Benchmark Level) and the Mercy Farm Trip to Vermont. Go Green has also sponsored visits and additional annual cleanups.

"The purpose of Go Green Generation Up Club is to make our school and world more ‘green’ physically and spiritually. Membership is open to all undergraduate students at St. Joseph’s College." — S. Susan Wilcox

For students like Digna Estrella '18, a hospitality and tourism management major, the club is a big inspiration. 

"We should all help out and be green and help out the environment even if it is collecting garbage, at least you are doing something," Digna said. "Those are one of the few reason why I joined the Go Green Club, because I want to be one of those who will stand up and make a difference on saving our planet. When I saw that SJC had a Go Green Club I was excited because not a lot of colleges have clubs that want to protect the planet."