The 2016 SJC Ping Pong Classic Arrives

March 29, 2016 LI

Annual tournament kicks off at SJC Long Island. With 23 entrants, only one will win. But who?

The annual St. Joseph's College Ping Pong Classic is a celebrated tradition at our College. As members of the SJC community, ping pong is embedded in our collective DNA.

This year's combatants are as strong as ever, with more than 20 seasoned veterans and hungry newcomers entering the fray. In anticipation of the tourney, we take a closer look at a few of the favorites as they strive eternal glory. What will the future hold? Who will win? Only the paddles know for sure.

Thomas OKeefeThomas “My ping is better than your pong” O’Keefe '16
Criminal Justice Major

What is your harrowing ping pong origin story?
"My great grandpa’s dog walker was a junior champion in ping pong in his country of China. Story has it my first word was 'Ping Pong'."

What inspires you?
"I enjoy watching my opponents sweat as they run back and forth trying to return my shots. Also, when my fans go insane behind me every time I win a point. My fans usually come with my name painted on their chests."

What is your message to your opponents?
"Don’t get too down on yourself. Not everyone can be born with the ping to the pong skills I was born with."

If you are crowned champion, what will you do with your winnings?
"If I win, I would build various ping-pong schools across the countries for animals. I think humans are selfish with not sharing this sport with animals. I see a lot of talent in kangaroos, and my schools would help build these animals into world-class champions."

Joshua SotoJoshua "El Niño" Soto
Assistant Manager of Sports Communication

What is your harrowing ping pong origin story?
"After retiring from collegiate baseball, I needed to pick up a hobby. When I saw the ping pong table as I first entered the Danzi Center, it was almost as if it was love at first sight. The game just came naturally to me, as if I was destined to be the best."

What inspires you?
“Seeing defeat in my competitor's eyes”

What is your message to your opponents?
“Do you really want to go one on one with the great one?”

If you are crowned champion, what will you do with your winnings?
“Buy pizza!”

Image above used under Creative Commons license 2.0, Flickr user Dustin GaffkeMehdad “The Champ” Islam ’17
Computer Information Technology and Religious Studies Major

What is your harrowing ping pong origin story?
“Playing since a tender age.”

What inspires you?
“Hearing the lamentations of my defeated foes”

What is your message to your opponents?
“Try harder.”

If you are crowned champion, what will you do with your winnings?

Image above used under Creative Commons license 2.0, Flickr user Dustin GaffkeBrian Merle '16
Criminal Justice Major

What is your harrowing ping pong origin story?
"When I saw the [ping pong] table at SJC I immediately thought ‘If Forrest Gump could be good, so could I.’"

What inspires you?
“The lavish pong lifestyle.”

What is your message to your opponents?
“All the dinosaurs fear the T-Rex.”

If you are crowned champion, what will you do with your winnings?
“Buy Taco Bell and probably a Muscle Milk.”

Hot WyngzHot Wyngz '16
Wingology Major, Studio Art Minor

What is your harrowing ping pong origin story?
"The sound of the ball bouncing of the table was music to my ears. When I first played it, I wasn't the best, I didn't even know the rules. I just winged it and ever since then my mission was the be the best."

What inspires you?
"Listening to Do You Know? by Enrique Iglesias"

What is your message to your opponents?
"If you can't fly with me, you'll get flown over."

If you are crowned champion, what will you do with your winnings?
"Enter in the WCPP (World Championship of Ping Pong) in 2017."

Who will claim victory?

Visit the Danzi Athletic Center over the next several weeks and witness SJC legends in the prime of their lives. Only one will bear the title of champion, and have his name etched onto a plaque for all to see.

For updates, game schedule and more, check out the SJC Long Island athletics Twitter feed.