The Service Of Others

March 07, 2016 BK

Community Service Trip BKSocial responsibility and service — two pillars of the St. Joseph's College mission. Three words that, without action, are as real as the type on this screen. 

What sets SJC apart is its commitment, not only to education, family and helping others succeed, but its commitment to the community. For years, SJC Brooklyn has partnered with local churches, organizations and charities to give back. Give back time. Give back a helping hand.

This is something SJC does consistently and without significant coverage. What made the SJC Brooklyn trip to St. John's Bread & Life Soup Kitchen on March 4 different? A camera and a few paragraphs describing what this service means to those it benefits — both those at St. John's and those who participate from SJC.

"It was a humbling experience to see how kind and loving the less fortunate were towards us. While working with my peers, I gained a sense of community within my generation. It was nice knowing that there are other individuals that enjoy helping those in need just like me."

Working in the organizations food pantry and kitchen, members of SJC hoisted boxes of juice and granola, and bags of potatoes and beets. They cleaned the cafeteria tables and floors, and gave away lunch to those who needed it. They gave a few hours of their morning to give back a moment of happiness to others.

"I felt a great sense of joy when I saw how many donations were made to the food pantry," said Candice Joseph '19. "It was a humbling experience to see how kind and loving the less fortunate were towards us. While working with my peers, I gained a sense of community within my generation. It was nice knowing that there are other individuals that enjoy helping those in need just like me."

If you'd like to pitch in a few hours to give back to the SJC community and local associations, keep an eye out for our upcoming service trips, or contact Christian Branch,
administrative assistant in the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership, at [email protected].

Community Service Trip

Community Service BK


Community Service Trip