Marc Ricciardi, Ph.D.

Marc Ricciardi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

English BK LI


Long Island

  • 631.687.1479
  • O'Connor Hall, N226A


Ph.D. Department of English, New York University, January 1998.

M.A. Department of English, New York University, 1990.

B.A. Magna Cum Laude in English and American Literature, Fordham University, 1988.


Marc Ricciardi explores all venues of speculative fiction, incorporating a hybrid synthesis of both Milton and Lovecraft Studies in order to better understand the relationship between sacred terror and cosmic horror and their literary, philosophical, and theological antecedents. His areas of research include Logocentrism and biblical hermeneutics. He is currently working on his book Prophets of Light and Darkness: Cosmic Horror and Sacred Terror in the Weird Worlds of Milton and Lovecraft.

Select Publications

“Lovecraftian Milton: Prophetic Certainties, Romantic Rebellions, and Horrific Imaginings in the Weird Worlds of Milton and Lovecraft.” Hippocampus Press,  forthcoming.

“Daring Voyagers: Milton and Lovecraft’s Paradisal Dreamquests.” 3rd Annual Popular Culture Conference, College of St. Joseph (VT), Spring, 2014.

Panel Moderator, “Religion, Philosophy, and Cosmic Horror in H.P. Lovecraft.” NecronomiConProvidence, Summer, 2013.

 “St. Michael the Archangel,” the “Archangel Gabriel,” and the “Archangel Raphael” in The Milton Encyclopedia. New Haven: Yale University Press, Sept 2012

John Milton’s Incarnational Poetics: The Roles of Mary and Christ in Paradise Regained. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010.

Conference Chair and President of Local Chapter, Northeast Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature — The Redemptive Act: Sin and Atonement in Literature, St. Joseph’s University, New York, Fall 2004.