Photography Contest

Photography Contest

Your favorite study abroad photo could be a winner!


Students are encouraged to enter our annual Study Away Photography Contest. Each student may enter up to two photographs taken while engaged in study abroad, with each entry accompanied by a short narrative of not more than 75 words.  

The focus here is not on “Selfies,” but rather on capturing images that convey a story about the country, region, or your experience therein.

Participant Eligibility 

Participants must be current or past St. Joseph's University students, and the photo must have been taken during a St. Joseph's University Disney college program or international experience — whether in program led by faculty, exchange programs, or other academic programs. Along with the photo, students must submit a narrative of not more than 75 words that connects the photo to the international experience and explains why the image holds meaning for the student. 

Number of Entries 

An individual may submit a maximum of two photos, each with a unique accompanying 75-word narrative.

Submitting Photos and Narratives 

Submit your photo by Friday, September 27 , 2024. 

Photo Requirements:

  1. Photos may be in color or black and white, following the guidelines listed below.
  2. Photos must be taken by the student submitting the entry and should NOT include the student in the photo (e.g., you cannot submit a “Selfie”). The photo should be a reflection of what you, the photographer, is observing/experiencing.
  3. Dual Submission:
    1. Submit a digital file in JPEG (.jpg) format for each entry, with a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi).  Because the photo(s) is submitted via google form, the file size should not exceed 8 megabytes (8 MB).
    2. Additionally, you can print your photographs, but are not required. If you choose to print them then please make sure that they are not a size greater than 8" x 10".

Image Modifications 

Minor digital enhancement is permitted to your color or black and white image, but images that have been significantly modified or appear unnatural (or very different from what the naked eye sees when looking through the camera lens) will be disqualified. St. Joseph's University retains sole discretion as to what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate image modifications, based on the guidelines listed below. 

Permitted Modifications: 

  • Images may be cropped and rotated as necessary as long as the size is within the guidelines specifications. 
  • Images may be resized as long as the aspect ratio is maintained.
  • Red­eye removal is permitted.
  • One­step enhancement (such as "AutoFix," "QuickFix," "Auto Levels," etc.) is acceptable.
  • Use of filters to sharpen, soften, blur, despeckle, or remove noise of the image as a uniform whole.
  • Use of corrective functions to improve the natural appearance of the image as a uniform whole, such as levels, contrast, brightness, curves, intensity, tone, hue, saturation, lightness, value, color balance, and tint

Not Permitted:

  • Border or frames may not be added to images.
  • No watermarks, signatures, or copyright notices may be added to images. All winning images will be displayed with the photographer's name.
  • Adding, subtracting or replacing elements in an image is not permitted.
  • The use of artistic filters (different from the ones mentioned in “Permitted Modifications” above) are not permitted.
  • Portions of the image may not be significantly highlighted, enhanced, blurred, colorized or de­colorized, etc. as to make them purposefully stand out from the rest of the image. 

Ownership/Use Rights 

Photographers retain the copyright to their photographs. By entering in the contest, photographers agree to have their submitted photograph displayed at the Study Away Conference, on the St. Joseph's University website, and/or any other St. Joseph's University distribution materials without any fee or other form of compensation required. Additionally, you agree that SJC may display winning photos in a "past winners" photo gallery, and may make and retain copies of the photograph for archival purposes. 

Photos will be credited to the photographer named in the entry form. Entries (including non winning entries) may be selected for display or use on other St. Joseph's University web pages, without permission from the photographer. Entries will never be used by St. Joseph's University in any manner for sales.


Entries will be judged on the basis of creativity, photographic quality, and effectiveness in conveying a narrative relationship to the international theme and purpose. 

Photo Submission

Submit Your Photo