SJC Welcomes New Faculty to its Long Island Campus

September 19, 2013

PATCHOGUE, N.Y. SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 St. Josephs College (SJC) is pleased to welcome three new distinguished members to its Long Island Campus faculty:

    Heather Bennett, Ph.D. has joined the Department of Biology as a full-time instructor teaching Introduction to Biology and upper-division courses in Marine Biology, Invertebrate and Vertebrate Zoology, Parasitology and Freshwater Biology. She plans to start a research program at SJC using live octopuses as a model for limb regeneration. Dr. Bennett earned a B.S. in Biology from the University of the South, an M.A. in Biology from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Rhode Island.

    M.J. Robinson, Ph.D. joined the recently established Department of Journalism and New Media as a full-time professor. Dr. Robinsons book, Television on Demand: Curatorial Culture and the Transformation of TV (Bloomsbury) will reach bookshelves in September 2014. Dr. Robinson holds a Ph.D. in Media, Culture and Communications from New York University.

    Ryan Schwarz, Ph.D. joined the Department of Mathematics as a full-time instructor. Dr. Schwarz holds a B.A. in Mathematics from the College of the Holy Cross, an M.S. in Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Cummutative Algebra, both from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Schwarz has also studied Roman and Greek literature and history on a college level.

For more information on the degree offerings at SJC, call 631.687.4500 or visit

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