Long Island School Building Leader Advanced Certificate

Long Island School Building Leader Advanced Certificate

Prepare to be a leader. Propel your career forward. Get ready.

Become a leader in education after only five courses with the School Building Leader (SBL) advanced certificate from St. Joseph’s University, New York. 

Students enrolled in the program learn about the theory and practice necessary for becoming a successful school building leader. The course of study includes educational leadership and administration, educational law, policy and ethics, curriculum and instruction, and an administrative practicum at the school building level. 

Upon completion of the program, students will have been exposed to the knowledge, skills and dispositions required to be an administrative leader, thereby providing a strong foundation for taking the New York state SBL certification examination.

Get ready to make a difference in education at the administrative level with the SBL advanced certificate from SJNY.

The Long Island School Building Leader Experience

Flexibility to Fit Your Needs: Whether you’re ready to make your move in the fall, spring or summer, you can start the program when it works for you. The curriculum is 100% virtual.

Affordable Excellence: Our low tuition of $600 per credit makes this program an affordable option.

Two-in-One: With only three more courses, combine the SBL advanced certificate with our School District Leader advanced certificate.