Featured Adolescence Education Students

Courtney Cowie-SladkyCourtney Cowie-Sladky ’19
B.A. in English with a Concentration in Adolescence Education

"SJC provided me with every resource available to help me succeed. The English teachers and adolescence education teachers are absolutely wonderful. Without them, I would certainly not be where I am today. They taught me essentially everything I needed to know, helped me find the areas I am interested in and encouraged me to pursue all my goals. I owe them so much!"

Rebeca RamirezRebeca Ramirez
B.S. in Mathematics with a Concentration in Adolescence Education

"SJC provided me with every resource available to help me succeed. The English teachers and adolescence education teachers are absolutely wonderful. Without them, I would certainly not be where I am today. They taught me essentially everything I needed to know, helped me find the areas I am interested in and encouraged me to pursue all my goals. I owe them so much!"

Read About Rebeca's Fellowship Experience

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