Brooklyn Internships and Service Learning

Brooklyn Internships and Service Learning

Experiential learning provides college students with the skills and information necessary to succeed in their future careers. Because of this, many of St. Joseph’s University's programs offer and/or require student participation in internships and service-learning experiences. These opportunities also allow our students the ability to truly immerse themselves in the meaning of St. Joseph’s five pillars: integrity, intellectual rigor, spiritual depth, social responsibility and service.

At our Brooklyn Campus, experiential learning is offered two ways: curricular or co-curricular. Curricular refers to a credit-bearing course with a service-learning or applied-learning requirement. Co-curricular refers to non-credit-bearing involvement.


Through internships, students have the opportunity to apply what they learn in the class in an actual work environment.

Students have interned at a variety of organizations, such as:

  • Bellevue Hospital
  • Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
  • Disney
  • Lord Cultural Resources
  • Turnstile Tours
  • NASA
  • Office of Food and Nutrition Services
  • Court 16
  • Barclays

Sambhav ShresthaSambhav Shrestha ’22 
Mathematics and Computer Science Major
Participated in the Microsoft Data Science Summer School (DS3)

"Microsoft DS3 aligned perfectly with my goals of becoming a researcher in the fields of data science and machine learning. the virtual experience was also great and really fun."

Service Learning

At the Brooklyn campus, students’ participation in service learning links their collegiate studies to community service, giving students the opportunity to reflect, communicate and grow. Through service learning, students explore the ways in which they identify with all five pillars of St. Joseph's University.

Past service-learning trips include:

  • Global trips to places in need, such as Romania and Nicaragua
  • Visiting the congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Brentwood
  • Working with local social service agencies

Nicholas GangoneNicholas Gangone ’21
Business Major
Participated in Alternative Spring Break

"Many friends and family members have asked me the reasoning behind me giving up my spring break. My answer to them was always the same: ‘I didn’t give up my spring break; I donated it to the heartbroken residents of Texas.’ Sharing hope with one another is the most important power we have."

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between experiential and applied learning?

Experiential learning is the overarching area that includes options such as applied learning. Applied learning is a form of experiential learning, but specifically relates to students applying what they have learned in a classroom setting to an appropriate real-world environment. Courses such as internships and student teaching are included in this specific area.

What departments require experiential and applied learning? 

Most of the academic departments at St. Joseph's University require some form of experiential learning. This can be accomplished through courses that apply to either the experiential learning curricular or service-learning areas, or applied learning, which include internships.

Who determines the amount of time spent at an internship? 

Academic internships are approved courses that reside in their respective departments. Departments will determine minimum hours of engagement, which are based on New York state education requirements, external accrediting agencies and best practices. Many disciplines have very specific guidelines and requirements.

Who creates the schedule for an internship?

Internship schedules are determined by the faculty, agency supervisor and student. 

What kinds of courses require service learning?

Service-learning courses link the theory of the course to some form of service (typically addressing a social issue), which takes place outside of the classroom. A minimum of 15 hours of service outside of the classroom is required. In most cases, projects either include the entire class or are a group effort. To this end, the class will meet in the classroom for about two-thirds of the time, and outside of the classroom at another location one-third of the time. There are some variations to this, especially if the course involves an alternative spring break or study abroad component.

How many hours are required per course for service learning?

A minimum of 15 hours of documented service is required for all service-learning courses.

Are there additional resources that support internships at the University?

The Office of Career Preparation and Professional Development provides numerous resources that support experiential learning. As a support to academic departments and students, the Office of Career Preparation and Professional Development staff help to prepare students for their internships through résumé writing and approval, creating cover letters, the art of interviewing for a position and professionalism. In addition to academic credit-bearing opportunities, the Office of Career Preparation and Professional Development also provides students with information in regard to quality internships. Although not credit-bearing, these opportunities will enhance a student’s experiential learning and ability to apply what they learn in a classroom setting to a real-world experience. As such, students can engage in multiple experiences through a myriad of quality agencies. The office uses Handshake and has a job board, which includes additional internship sites.

Visit the Brooklyn Office of Career Preparation and Professional Development page for more information.

Heidy AlemanHeidy Aleman ’25
Marketing Major with Minors in Digital Design and Business Administration 

"Interning at AREA in the public relations and marketing department helped me realize my place in the world of work. As someone who has always had a passion for arts and fashion, this internship has taught me the importance of PR and marketing in the fashion industry. It helped me gain the necessary knowledge to succeed. Furthermore, it has shown me how to navigate this demanding and fast-paced industry."