Brooklyn Health Services Major

Brooklyn Health Services Major

Find your place in health care. Prepare for a career or graduate studies. Get ready.

Designed for students passionate about careers in health care, the B.S. in Health Services at SJNY’s Brooklyn Campus offers an excellent pathway for individuals eager to make a positive impact in people's lives within the health care sector.

Our interdisciplinary program equips graduates to work in various health care areas, including community-based and clinical settings. Students planning to later attend graduate school gain the necessary prerequisites for a range of master’s degree related to health services.

Students choose to specialize in one of the following departments: Health Administration, Therapeutic Recreation, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Human Services or Psychology.

Embark on a rewarding career helping others with St. Joseph’s B.S. in Health Services.

Brooklyn Health Services Major Experience

Choose Your Path: By selecting a concentration, students tailor their courses to their interests and gain a more specialized skill set.


Hands-On Internships: Each student in this major completes an in-person, hands-on, for-credit internship experience in a health care setting before graduating.


Knowledgeable Faculty: Our dedicated faculty work in various capacities within health services fields, carrying their diverse expertise into the classroom.