The Five Pillars — Social Responsibility

We instill in our students a desire to engage in society and act for the greater good.

There are many academic programs and student groups that serve as opportunities for students to work toward justice and improving society – nearby and across the globe. Students go above and beyond in their efforts to help individuals, as well as organizations, in order to benefit communities around the world.

Get Involved

  • Students, faculty and staff demonstrate their commitment to the environment with our Green Team and Sustainability Committee.
  • Campus events, including Make a Difference Day and Earth Week, offer opportunities to positively impact local communities. 
  • By becoming Peer Health Educators, students help provide up-to-date health information to their classmates through educational workshops and programs.
  • Annual events bring speakers from the Innocence Project to campus, where students learn about wrongful convictions and how to help bring change to the justice system. 
  • Students in the Nicaragua Project help raise funds and gather supplies for Subtiava, Nicaragua, where our students have helped for more than a decade by providing support for a preschool, creating a children’s scholarship program, conducting a women’s writing workshop, and building and repairing homes.

Retha FernandezRetha Fernandez ’16

Retha serves as Suffolk County's first-ever Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. 

"Social responsibility for me means we have to help take care of each other. My meditation practice and spiritual journey have taught me that anything I do will have some impact on you, whether directly or indirectly, now or at some point in the future. There’s no disconnecting us; we’re all connected and interdependent. Because we are, we have a responsibility to each other."