245 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205
Main: 718.940.5300
Admissions: 718.940.5800
Fax: 718.940.5680
155 W. Roe Blvd., Patchogue, NY 11772
Main: 631.687.5100
Admissions: 631.687.4500
Fax: 631.687.4539
Brooklyn Voices: Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes presents The Sirens' Call: How Attention Became the World's Most Endangered Resource
in conversation with The New Yorker's Jia Tolentino
Greenlight is proud to welcome Emmy Award–winning TV host and New York Times bestselling author Chris Hayes back to St. Joseph's to present his newest work of cogent cultural criticism. The Siren's Call is a powerful wide-angle reckoning with how the assault from attention capitalism on our minds and our hearts has reordered our politics and the very fabric of our society. We all feel it—the distraction, the loss of focus, the addictive focus on the wrong things for too long. Hayes argues that we are in the midst of an epoch-defining transition whose only parallel is what happened to labor in the nineteenth century: attention has become a commodified resource extracted from us by, and from which we are increasingly alienated. The Sirens’ Call is the book that snaps everything into a single holistic framework so that we can wrest back control of our lives, our politics, and our future. Hayes presents his book with a reading and discussion, followed by a book signing.
Photo credit: MSNBC.
Tickets: $32 (book included)
See more information and all upcoming events in the Brooklyn Voices Series.
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