Brooklyn Financial Aid Contacts and Hours

Current Hours

January 12 - May 16

Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
*Open until 6 p.m. on Wednesday January 22 and Tuesday January 28


The Office of Financial Aid will be closed on the following days:

  • February 14 (closes at 3 p.m.)
  • February 17
  • March 21
  • April 17 and 18

Military Service Members

Service Members must personally meet with a Financial Aid Counselor prior to the University offering, recommending, arranging, signing up, disbursing, or enrolling in Federal or private student loan programs.

Contact Information

Vanessa Barrios
[email protected]

Erin Willis
[email protected]

Main Office Contact Information:

Tuohy Hall
Phone: 718.940.5700
Fax: 718.940.5312
Email: [email protected]